Hold your tongue

In India, the BJP wants more than a billion people to embrace Hindi. Ganesh Devy, on the other hand, wants to preserve as many languages as possible.

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Bollywood under Modi

Mumbai’s film industry was a much-vaunted bastion of India’s secular ideals. Since the rise of the BJP, it’s been flooded with stock Hindu heroes and Muslim villains, and shows and movies are being killed off.

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Arundhati Roy’s Prescient Anger

Reading “My Seditious Heart,” you feel as if Roy has been hollering for years, trying to grab our attention, and we’ve kept motoring on toward the edge of the cliff.

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A Bloody Easter Sunday

Sri Lanka now finds itself in a state of doubled wariness. It must contend with its own nature: its inability to protect its minorities and its proclivity to politicize strife.

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